Portwest US476 US476YERXL Berlin Executive Vest View larger


Portwest US476 US476YERXL Berlin Executive Vest


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Details: Portwest US476 US476YERXL Berlin Executive Vest

Revolutionary in its design the executive vest combines the light weight of a waistcoat with the practicality of pockets for those situations when a jacket may be too warm. A clear ID pocket for security passes and cards compliments this unique garment. With many companies and their operatives now using combinations of hivisibility orange and yellow fabrics together these contrasting styles are in increasing demand for many customers. Dimensions are 20" × 11" × 17"


  • Oil, Gas & Chemical Industries
  • Construction & Welding
  • OSHA Safety
  • Warehousing & Transport
  • Manufacturing Industries

About Portwest

With over 100 years of experience and a heritage of quality, value and service, Portwest is firmly established as a world leader in the design and manufacture of stylish, comfortable, high-quality work wear that meets recognized international standards.

Available Model Numbers and Combinations

US476YER5XL Yellow, 5XL
US476YER6XL Yellow, 6XL
US476YER7XL Yellow, 7XL
US476YERL Large, Yellow
US476YERM Medium, Yellow
US476YERS Yellow
US476YERXL XL, Yellow
US476YERXXXL 3XL, Yellow
US476ORR4XL 4XL, Orange Navy
US476ORR5XL 5XL, Orange Navy
US476ORRL Large, Orange Navy
US476ORRM Medium, Orange Navy
US476ORRS Orange Navy
US476ORRXL XL, Orange Navy

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Portwest US476 US476YERXL Berlin Executive Vest

Portwest US476 US476YERXL Berlin Executive Vest