Magnet Source PGHNADR351 Magnetic Spray Gun Holder


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Details: Magnet Source PGHNADR351 Magnetic Spray Gun Holder

Strong neodymium magnet holds impact wrenches, heat/paint guns and other heavy tools on any ferrous metal surface. Heat resistant up to 175 degrees Fahrenheit. Ideal for vehicle wrap installations, auto/tire shops, workshops, garages, and warehouses. Non-scratch protective rubber coating safe for all surfaces. Magnetic on one side only.

Magnetic Spray Gun Holder

Part No.Pounds Pull with CoverBase DiameterBase HeightOverall HeightRing Outer Dia.Ring Inner Dia.Ring ThicknessWeight(lbs.)
Dimensions in Inches


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Magnet Source PGHNADR351 Magnetic Spray Gun Holder

Magnet Source PGHNADR351 Magnetic Spray Gun Holder