MFSM36 Magnetic Floor Sweeper


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Details: MFSM36 Magnetic Floor Sweeper

Magnetic Push-Type Sweepers with Quick Load-Release

Heavy duty sweepers have 14 and 24 inch sweeping widths, 48 inch sturdy handle and 6 inch diameter rubber wheels. Quickly drop collected scrap metal by pulling back on the release handle. Some assembly required. The 18 inch wide floor sweeper has .5 to 2.5 inch adjustable sweeping height.

Magnetic Push-Type Sweepers

These models are incredibly strong and well built. Powerful ceramic magnets are encased in a durable aluminum housing which can be cleared of collected debris with work gloves or heavy shop towel. Easy to operate over most terrain – even in water! Sturdy, one-piece handle attaches easily. Sweeping width up to 86 inches.

Model PM - Light Duty Plate Magnets

Part No.Approx. Pounds PullSweeping WidthOverall WidthHandle Height*8-Penny Nail Pick Up TestShipping Weight (lbs.)
MFSM12801216.5423.75 lbs. (340 pcs.)17
MFSM241602428.5427.5 lbs. (680 pcs.)27
MFSM36**2403640.54211.25 lbs. (1,023 pcs.)41
The sweepers below feature quick load-release handle for clearing collected materials.
0754397.51822.5444.1 lbs. (372 pcs.)13.5
MFSM14RX2331419.75483 lbs. (300 pcs.)26
MFSM24RX4002430.25486 lbs. (600 pcs.)43
Key:*=Handle height measured from assembly to top of handle. **= Includes 2 eyebolts for hanging.
Dimensions in Inches


Available Model Numbers and Combinations



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 MFSM36 Magnetic Floor Sweeper

MFSM36 Magnetic Floor Sweeper