Magnet Source CA4/ LM40P Ceramic Latch Magnet

CA4/ LM40P

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Details: Magnet Source CA4/ LM40P Ceramic Latch Magnet

A strong ceramic magnet is positioned between two zinc-plated metal pieces, providing much more strength than the magnet alone. Magnetic on all four edges. Useful as a powerful door latch. Also hold name plates, fixtures, signs, and display pieces.

Latch Magnet Assemblies

Part No.Pounds PullLengthWidthHeightChannel Hole
CA41LWH*121.8125.3125.187 dia.
CA42LW2H*2212.50.22 dia.
CA43LWH1511.25.40.14 dia.
LM40P402.911.5.215 dia.
Key:*=Assembly is held together magnetically.
Dimensions in Inches

Available Model Numbers and Combinations



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Magnet Source CA4/ LM40P Ceramic Latch Magnet

Magnet Source CA4/ LM40P Ceramic Latch Magnet