Portwest FW14 FW14BKR35 Steelite Protector Shoe S1P View larger


Portwest FW14 FW14BKR35 Steelite Protector Shoe S1P


US 3
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Details: Portwest FW14 FW14BKR35 Steelite Protector Shoe S1P

Benefits from all the superior features of the FW10 but in a low cut version. Dimensions are 19" × 11" × 17"


  • Oil, Gas & Chemical Industries
  • Construction & Welding
  • OSHA Safety
  • Warehousing & Transport
  • Manufacturing Industries

About Portwest

With over 100 years of experience and a heritage of quality, value and service, Portwest is firmly established as a world leader in the design and manufacture of stylish, comfortable, high-quality work wear that meets recognized international standards.

Available Model Numbers and Combinations

FW14BKR35 US 3
FW14BKR36 US 4
FW14BKR37 US 5
FW14BKR38 US 6
FW14BKR39 US 7
FW14BKR40 US 7.5
FW14BKR41 US 8
FW14BKR42 US 9
FW14BKR43 SP10
FW14BKR44 US 11
FW14BKR45 US 11.5
FW14BKR46 US 12
FW14BKR47 US 13
FW14BKR48 US 14
FW14BKR49 US 15

View All Model Numbers and Options


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Portwest FW14 FW14BKR35 Steelite Protector Shoe S1P

Portwest FW14 FW14BKR35 Steelite Protector Shoe S1P